Navigating Growth: ELP's Journey of Self-Discovery

Reflections from CEO Alexie Seller

“As we approached the end of 2023, it was natural to reflect on the journey we've undertaken, especially as our team expanded with new faces and exciting ideas for the future. Throughout this period of growth, we recognised the need to solidify the foundation of our organisation.

While we were operating smoothly, there was a collective awareness that we needed to preserve and formalise certain behaviours and ways of working within the team. This insight prompted us to take a step back and delve deeper into our organisational identity.

Rather than jumping straight into annual planning and strategy sessions, we took advantage of the end-of-year break to look inwards on who we are and why we do what we do. The result was a set of values that resonated with the unique nature of our work.

One of these values is Better Together, embodying the understanding that the journey of entrepreneurship is enhanced when supported by the right people. We aim to walk alongside entrepreneurs, fostering a collaborative environment and encouraging engagement with other mentors and networks.

Another one of our values that I truly appreciate is Generational View. In our work, we extensively discuss the concept of time, including its various perceptions and the delicate balance we must maintain between deadlines, office reporting, quarterly dates, and annual compliances. This is especially relevant when comparing the fast-paced nature of our office requirements with the broader and more extended timelines prevalent in remote communities. In these areas, history is extensive, and engagements with businesses have a longstanding legacy, including examples of international trade and cross-cultural interactions that have endured for generations.

I once heard a great insight from a Maori business leader, Te Puoho Katene, where he highlighted their perspective on business planning. Unlike the Western focus on five-year plans, he emphasised thinking in terms of 500-year business plans. This perspective challenges the conventional notion of sustainability, which often revolves around ensuring a business survives its initial years. Instead, it prompts reflection on sustainability across generations and how our actions today contribute to the success of not just the current generation but also the children of today and their descendants.

My experiences in this region working closely with the communities have been eye-opening. It's heartening to see that everyone in our team agrees that this long-term perspective is now a fundamental part of who we are. It's a crucial aspect of our work, and we acknowledge the importance of taking our time, deliberately moving at a slower pace today, with the understanding that our ultimate purpose is oriented towards the long term. Our goals extend far beyond what we can presently imagine in our lifetimes. If this is the perspective of the entrepreneur, it is imperative that we align ourselves with that outlook as well.

As we contemplated our values, we also decoded the unwritten rules of our team – the guidelines that help us navigate that everyday decision making that goes on when you're in a small group, trying to achieve big things. One crucial aspect we uncovered was the balance between supporting each other and respecting individual boundaries. While our team rallies around major activities and events, we understand the need for everyone to set boundaries and prioritise their own work.

This introspective journey has been enlightening, revealing the essence of who we are as a team. It has provided clarity on how we navigate challenges and make decisions, fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment.

In sharing our experience, we hope to inspire other teams to embark on a similar journey of self-discovery. Formalising the way we work and establishing a shared language has become a guiding framework for us as we enter another year filled with ambitious plans and activities.

As we gear up for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, we recognise the importance of looking after ourselves and our team. Investing in our team dynamics has been a strategic move, ensuring that we are well-prepared to make a positive impact in the regions we serve.

Thank you for joining us on this reflective journey, and we look forward to the exciting adventures that await us this year.”


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