Meet Zekiah-Lee Wangurra

Zekiah-Lee Wangurra (she/her) is our Administration Officer.

Zekiah joined us as a school-based Business trainee, studying her Cert III in Business whilst completing her high school education. Zekiah loves being a part of something she believes in, while gaining invaluable skills and experience in business and to share its impact on our community. 

Zekiah is most inspired by the opportunities that ELP allows for First Nations people to get their stories across through their business, give back to the communities and set new role models for future generations. 

Zekiah is looking forward to learning a whole range of things including skills in overall admin and communications, and how to start and develop a business for impact, not just income. Zekiah is excited about this traineeship as it helps her prepare for her future in the workforce, while giving her the opportunity to help her people achieve their goals and raise their profile as First Nations people. 

In the long-run, Zekiah is exploring a career in early-education and primary school, and is inspired about being able to shape and mold the next generation of potential leaders while instilling our values and morals and helping her to bridge the gaps of today. This gives her hope for the future of our country.